Ferraro is an effing goddess. Yep. I fell in love with her back with the start
of the Hamden Series. Since then, I’ve
been infatuated with her characters. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t even know this
was coming out until I saw a post about a blog tour. So OBVIOUSLY I joined it,
because I love this woman. I can’t even imagine what my reading life would be
like right now if it weren’t for W. Ferraro. She’s one of the first contemporary
authors that I had started reading, along with New Adult and Indie Authors.
to fall floored me with the differences and similarities to W.’s other
masterpieces. Let’s begin with the fact that the main characters are flawed, irresistible,
charming, and snarky. You immediately
fall in love with Delaney. Yes, she has
a troubled past, but she’s trying to move on from that and make an honest life
for her son and herself. The strawberry blond haired beauty catches the eye of the
sheriff Gage Dennison, right from the beginning. Gage is a conundrum. I want to
love him but I want to hate him. I would call his super bipolar jealous rage
fits childish, and uncalled for… but in his mind, he justifies all of his
behavior. Even with his temper, he’s still super sexy and duh, he’s a sheriff.
it seems as if it’s going to start out as a damsel in distress type book, you’re
very quickly reminded not everything is what it seems. Secrets and jealously
wage war in this novel, making you want to pull your hair out and scream at the
characters. I’m not sure I could even tell you how many times I wanted to punch
Gage in the throat when he has his little bitch-fits. At the same time, I want
to smack some sense into Delaney for letting him get away with it every time!
<- That right there is me being a hypocrite.
book was stunning, but painful. I can’t tell you how many times I cried during
this novel. Oh god, I can’t even think about it right now… cause my chest is
starting to hurt! Afraid To Fall brings a raw essence of love worth fighting
for to the readers eyes. I have to say the growth of the characters throughout
the book is simply astonishing. While they battle not only their own personal
demons, but the demons of a new relationship, W. Ferraro keeps you on the edge
of your seat and your heart pounding.
Per usual, I can’t wait for
the next installment in this series. I’m wondering, is it going to be a
continuation or… which brother it’s going to be?? I’ll take ANY. ONE. OF.
THEM!! And again, per usual, get up (or don’t) but BUY THIS BOOK! You won’t be
disappointed. I know I never am when it comes to the beautiful and talented W.
Ferraro!! Go get it right meow!
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I live in New England with my young family. I’m a stay at home mom to two very active children. For all of you who are familiar with the stress of this job, I decided to complete an item on my bucket list and write a book. I’ve always been a big reader, and I happy to say my children have fallen in love with books, this is one proud Momma.
This sounds steamy. I may have to give it a try the next time I want to read a romance. The cover is pretty nice to look at as well. ;)