From the author of the international bestseller Go the Fuck to Sleep comes a long-awaited sequel about the other great parental frustration: getting your little angel to eat something that even vaguely resembles a normal meal. Profane, loving, and deeply cathartic, You Have to Fucking Eatbreaks the code of child-rearing silence, giving moms and dads new, old, grand-, and expectant a much-needed chance to laugh about a universal problem.
A perfect gift book like the smash hit Go the Fuck to Sleep (over 1.5 million copies sold worldwide!), You Have to Fucking Eat perfectly captures Adam Mansbach's trademark humor, which is simultaneously affectionate and radically honest. You probably shouldn't read it to your kids.
I know this is a picture book and all, but when I found out this was coming out I may have literally jumped for joy. I thought that Go the F to Sleep was so original and funny. I devoured You have to F'ng eat. It's truth about how parents see the world of children is spot on and absolutely hilarious. I can't even lie, I read this aloud to my son who is 10, because let's be honest... I drop F-bombs like they're going out of style. I do my best to censor my naughty language around him, but he's 10 and he know's what's up.
Not only was I laughing the entire time I was reading this to him, but he was cracking up too. He thought that the idea of a picture book that had swears in it was just amazing. The pictures were just brilliant, along with the OH so truthful story. My son has decided that he want's his grandmother to read this book now because she is always yelling at him to eat.
I'm so happy to have this book in my collection. I won't hesitate to make anyone who sits at my table for a meal read this before they eat! I'm not kidding! Seriously though, take 10-20min out of your day to pick up this book so you can get a good laugh.
Audio Reading By Bryan Cranston
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